Membership Benefits
- Monthly newsletter delivered via email
- ARRL license renewal reminders
- Access to the club repeater codes.
- Your membership dues help support the ongoing access to the club’s repeaters for the entire community.
- It also provides the opportunity to serve your community by becoming an officer in the club
- Access to our message board. BSARC Click on the “+ Apply For Membership In This Group” button at the bottom of the page. Your membership to the BSARC group will be submitted for approval. If you are not already a member of, you can enter an email address on this page and sign up for the service.
Dues are $20 a year and should be sent to:
- Gary White N0AOK
- 22607 Wellington Ct
- Blue Springs, MO 64015-7304
ARRL New Memberships & Renewals: Our Club keeps $2 for each ARRL renewal. The club also keeps $15.00 of each new membership fee when processed through the Club. Keep this in mind when visiting with hams that want to become members of the ARRL.