Field Day 2023
Another successful Field Day is in the books. We set up 6 miles north of Odessa, Missouri. The location is around 1000 ft elevation with a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside.
- We used 7 different radios at various times during the event.
- Operating off a variety of batteries with solar power generation, we were able to complete the 24 hour event.
- 5 tents were used with one of them serving as a visitor center.
- The visitor tent had a TV displaying the current map of contacts for the event.
- Somewhere around 8 antennas were set up for the event. 6 of those were for the HF bands.
- A yagi was hoisted high above the site using a crane
- We had 2 youngsters earn a merit badge for at least one scout to scout contact.
- A good time was had by all