BSARC KC Simplex Net

KC Simplex Net


  • The second Wednesday of every month.
  • 7pm


  • your home QTH or if necessary from a nearby hill.
  • If you can’t reach anyone, continue listening and trying.
  • If you can’t reach anyone after trying for some time, consider moving to higher ground.  Learning what’s required in situations like this is part of the desired outcome. 

Goals of the Net:

  • Improve our ability to communicate without repeaters
  • Include all license classes of Hams
  • Include Hams that are in the Greater Kansas City area
  • Have fun

Bands and Frequencies

  • 2m 147.525 Phone  — This frequency is quickly becoming the unofficial Kansas City simplex calling frequency.
  • This is a directed net with a Net Control Station (NCS)

General Process

  • The Kansas City Simplex net, in order to be successful, will require many relays of check-ins. This may require sub-nets with multiple frequencies in order to minimize doubles.
  • A directed net will begin on 147.525. Relays may be required on this net in order to reach each of the counties.
  • In order to reach everyone within each county, sub-nets may be required. Relays may also be required at the county level. If sub-nets are required the following are suggested frequencies for each metro area county:
    • Kansas
      • Johnson County Ks 147.450
      • Leavenworth County 147.490
      • Miami County 147.470
      • Wyandotte County 147.510
    • Missouri
      • Cass County 147.590
      • Clay County 147.550
      • Jackson County 147.570
      • Johnson County Mo 147.490
      • Lafayette County 147.510
      • Platte County 147.510
      • Ray County 147.450 

Other Thoughts:

  • Many groups throughout the area are pursuing group communications plans.  If your church, scout troop, neighborhood or other group are working on this, you should consider joining us.
  • The net will be logged on site under group KC Simplex. If you attempt to join the net, successfully or not, please check yourself into the net.  Click on the box that says “or select from past 10 days nets”. Then select the “KC Simplex Net”,  Enter your callsign into the box and click check-in.  You can then add your grid-square and a comment on your check-in line.  This will help us see the big picture clearer.   Everyone is welcome to enter comments on their check-in line.   Each comment is logged into the net “Timeline”.  The timeline for the entire net can be seen by clicking the “Timeline” button. (then scroll down to view, below the check-ins) 


  • Some confusion is to be expected
  • Some difficulty achieving order
  • People adapting to overcome issues, this is where hams excel
  • Fun
  • Learning


In May of 2021, several BSARC hams began an informal simplex net. We have continued with the net every month since. We’ve tried a wide variety of modes and frequencies. It has continued to evolve. We’ve also begun including people outside of the BSARC.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. You can also email them to  

Come join us.